Youth Activities |
Scouts 7.30-9pm Wednesday Rainbows 6-7pm Girls 5-7 years Brownies 6.30-7.45pm Girls 7-10 years Guides 7.30-9.15 pm Girls 10-14 years Sunday Youth service at 9.30am on the first Sunday of the month |
Guides |
Girl guiding UK, as part of a worldwide movement, enables girls and young women to fulfil their potential and to take an active and responsible role in society through its distinctive, stimulating and enjoyable programme of activities delivered by trained volunteer leaders. At Greenside we offer girls the chance to join: Brownies (age 7 - 10) What do Brownies do? Brownies have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best. Their meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves. For more information see the Brownies website at Rainbows and Brownies leader: Ms Gillian Fraser Girl Guides (age 10 - 14) Girl Guides meet weekly at Greenside. We always welcome new members. In the past we have worked towards Go-For-Its and the Cooks badge. We have also been Ice Skating at Murrayfield, along with other games, crafts and weekly activities. We also go camping in the Summer and meet other Guides from Edinburgh and the UK. Girl Guides leader: Ms Abigail Page Scouts |
“The Scout Association provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for 400,000 young people aged 6-25. Internationally, we have over 28 million young people enjoying the benefits of Scouting across 216 countries. Personal development means promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are 'learning by doing,' when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.” From the Scouting Association website at
At Greenside there are opportunities to join our scouts, cubs and beavers. Our Group Scout Leader is Mrs Cary Martin. SCOUTS 11 + years CUBS 7 – 11 years BEAVERS 6 – 8 years |